24 June 2005

The Beginning

Hi! My name is Brown, and I hail from the great country of Canadia (which is north of the border for most of you self-centered americans). Vancouver is a stone's throw away, but you'd have to have a mighty powerful arm to actually get it there.

My amazing BFF, Sunny set up this account for me, and the subsequent posts and my brilliance are thereby all attributable to this wonderful specimen of a human being. Unfortunately for you fellas, she's already (happily) taken, so you'll have to worship from afar.

Oh, did I mention that I'm also happily taken? I also have three gorgeous children. It stands to reason that they would be fabulous, because I'm Gorgeous with a capitol G, and Divine with a capitol 'Oh, no, concierge, the house champagne is far to gracious, I simply cannot accept this free Crysta.. Ahh, if you insist'.


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