02 February 2006

new blog name?

Should I be changing the name of my blog? (well, besides the fact that Sunny didn't name it what I asked her to, when she made it for me.:P Just kidding, she said it wouldn't let her...) But anyhow, I'm wondering if it should become the Jenna blog, or some such!

Mr Brown got back from his trip, and he missed us, and was all happy to see us, and of course the kids were thrilled he was back (we hadn't even left the airport parking lot yet, and the girls wanted to know what presents he brought them. Isn't that just GREEDY? sheesh)

So anyhow, once we got back home, Mr Brown and I were having a kiss, and Ms J was beside herself....."oh, I like it when people kiss! I just LOVE a happy ending!!!!!"



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