Whitey has a lot to learn...
My sister, "Whitey", has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the fact that her golden boy, the BOY, d-unit, is an ornery teen now. And, he's not just an ordinary ornery teen, because several of his ornery teen homies are cool with babies and younger siblings. The D-Unit just has...ISSUES. As he would say "I don't like little kids".
So he has shown little-to-no interest in Sister's lovely adorable baby, and she has decided this is a thorn in her side, and she will manipulate him into doing her bidding.
She and the Big T arrived on Thursday and are leaving this coming Thursday. She laid down the law to the D-unit. "You have to hold the baby once while we're here, so I can take a picture for her baby book. You can decide when you'll do it, but it has to be done."
Long story short, tonight was the night. LOL. (and he didn't really choose tonight, we just told him he'd be better off to get it over with, seeing as we had the camera out and all...) The photo above is the resulting "photo-op".
htnbarf. lmfao
He doesn't look like a GIRL!!! how dare you, Walter. This boy is early-teen-masculinity-PERSONIFIED!
(You're going to hate me for this, seriously hate me.)
For a split second when you were talking about Whitey, and there was this picture, and I seriously thought, "Wow, her sister looks young!
let's get one thing clear. Whitey is my OLDER sister. 5.5 yrs older. She's freakin' 42. sheesh, you people. LOL
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