11 March 2006

10 minutes of internet FAME

Indulge me yet again, dear readers. Both of you. Well, all four of you, if we include Walter and Anonymous.

Yes. Let's. :))

Please view this video I shot at The Boy's basketball game. My only regret is that I did not get a shot of Pa as Jack Nicholson.

I am providing you a viewing guide, to enrich your experience. The Boy is #23 on the Titans. (white jerseys)

Opening shots: Cameo by Ms J as Hillary Duff

0:33 profile of Ms C screen left

3:44 Brown cheers

3:50 an "ATTA BOY!" moment. but I remained silent. heh

4:10 Brown shouts "Ya!"

4:31 The Boy is sure he was fouled

5:31 Brown Cheers: "NICE!"

5:02 "Way to go Jordan!!!"(Jordan was previously made famous in SFSRTF, 3 Aug. 2005)

6:17 "Yah!"

6:38 "YAHHHH!"

7:44 Profile shot of Mr Brown- don't blink, or you'll miss it

8:29 "YAH!" and mr brown, "Way to go Daws!"

10:17 Brownie REPRIMANDS MR BROWN who is yelling at the opposing team's coach "SIT DOWN OVER THERE!" (he hates the opposing team's coach) listen closely, or you'll miss Brownie's snarl...."STEVE-en!"

and check out the final moment...when I ran out of videotape, with the boy in mid-air. hahahahahaha. suh-weet


At 13/3/06 4:45 p.m., Blogger Sunny said...

You ask for a LOT, brownie pants. A LOT.

That being said, sorry it took so long for me to watch the clip - I swear, I couldn't see it at first. It was like the clip that wasn't there, or something. Yeah.

My favorite part(s)?
-Wondering who Jordan is - isn't he a friend of the fam? Also, Mr. Brown is VERY INTO IT. Cool to hear him yelling so much. It balances out all the yelling I'm sure you do around the house. KIDDING!
-"Can I have three quarters?"


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