27 June 2005


Well! It's moving day tomorrow, the Budget truck is rented for 0800h oh joy oh fuc king bliss, my GOD, I hate moving. ahem. anyhow...

We got the keys to our house Saturday so since then it has been full-out home-improvement-network-type-shit. Wallpaper has come down, paint colours have been chosen and have gone up on the walls (and look spectacular) crappy 70's valences have been torn down, wood-paneling has been painted over....whew! *insert Yahoo smiley. heh.

But, the crunch has come down, and I spent the day packing like a banshee. Okay, wait, I know banshees are known more for their shrieking than their packing, but I bet when they pack, it's....like banshees.

Last night, I was panicking, and thinking "oh shit, I'm feeling overwhelmed, what do I do, what do I do???" and I tried to think of someone I could call to help me pack this place up and I couldn't come up with anyone (see this is the problem when you're so...private, shut-down and basically anti-social), except for one girlfriend who actually lives in Vancouver but she's been in town and was going to the lake Monday. So then, I was thinking, well, she can't help because she's going to the lake, so I went to bed all stressed out and dispondant...and THEN....it pissed down rain. This morning it was socked in, clouds and pissing down and thank you angels of heaven, the phone rang at 11am and my amazing awesome friend called to say " the weather is the shits. I'm not going to the lake. Do you need a hand?" hahahahahaha. DO I? DO I? bring it on, sister.

And so she did. She rocked this packing nightmare like nobody's business. I tell you...I'm indebted to this amazing woman BIGTIME now. She packed ALL the kitchen cupboards, she packed the older brownlette's room, she packed all the laundry room stuff. WOW. and then, she cooked dinner. heh.

I should change one of my kids' names to honour her. or something...


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