Dogging my every step
No, that's not a typo. Do not ask me, a la Google :did you mean blogging my every step? Because no, I mean DOGGING.
I've worked for the Realtor 11 out of the last 18 days. Being a SAHM, this is...well - out of the ordinary, to understate the matter. During this time, the kids started school again. Soccer started up again, and...Cocoa the Dog got some separation anxiety.
Yesterday, and particularly today, she has been FOLLOWING ME EVERY STEP I TAKE. i.e. I take one step to the left, Cocoa jumps up and takes one step (which involves an enormous and very loud slide along the laminate floor) to the left. I move towards the fridge, Cocoa cascades towards the fridge. I attempt to walk downstairs, and Cocoa trips me up, clammering to go down the stairs too.
Cute. Sure. For the first half hour. For the next 18 hrs? NOT SO FUCKING CUTE.
I took advantage of her afternoon nap today to put away the kids' laundry. I had attempted it earlier, but having her following me in and out of every door in the goddamn house was more than my nerves could take.
Perhaps I should feel flattered. Perhaps I should also feel guilty. Primarily, I'm feeling STALKED.
Poor Cocoa. Poor me!
Things will be better this week, though. I'm starting my new job setup, working for a different Mr Realtor, and will be working only M-W-F, approx 15.5 hrs.
I vow on Wednesday, when I get done work at noon, Cocoa and I will take a walk in the woods again. Truth be told, I miss it as much as she does. I'm just sucking it up, while she's...just being a suck.
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