wow - that kid can catch!
Ahem. I'm not saying that my kid is pro football material or anything. I'm just saying. wow. He can sure catch a football. And take a frikkin' hit! At the game today, he got taken down so hard, I was asking him afterwaards "okay, what day is it? how old are you?"
Allow me some...leeway here.
As I said, I'm not nurturing fantasies of my child as a professional athlete, but I'm VERY impressed with how athletic he is. It seems so natural to him. He hasn't been taught this stuff. The boy was 4 when I married Mr Brown (not his biological father). Mr Brown has always worked in the restaurants, which = not much time at home. Which = not a lot of time, if any, throwing balls and talking about the game...whichever game that might be. The boy has done well in soccer, in baseball, and now in football.
He's small. But he's ripped. And he's fast.
And what I'm saying with the whole "mr brown hasn't tutored him thus" is, the boy is self-taught. And that really awes me. It's pretty exciting to see pure talent bloom.
Let's just hope he gets a really damn good job one day. The preferences he has mentioned so far are: pizza delivery or plumber.
aiy yi yiiiiii
That's so cool, B.
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