17 September 2005


Okay, dude. Maybe you're a bot. I don't know what you are, I'm new to this. But you totally spammed my comments, offering me a "cool site" you thought I'd like

It's a DATING site.

not a "all kinds of tips for housebreaking your new puppy" or, "how to deal with construction noise" site, or " how to make your beautiful Brownlette a supermodel" site.

Wow. blog spammers SUCK!!!!!


At 18/9/05 9:26 a.m., Blogger Sunny said...

Hey honey. You should try putting in Word Verification. When you go to your dashboard, it should be right under your blog.

It just basically makes anyone who comments prove that they can actually read and type and do all sorts of intelligent things.

Damn, this is like Yahoo! all over again, isn't it? lol.

At 18/9/05 9:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Walter Brinick. I'll thank you to not call me a spammer, Ms. Brown.

How insulting - word verification? My word was 'moixf.'

Well moixf YOU, Ms. Brown - moixf you.


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