08 February 2006

note to James Frey

ok, dude. back on page 157, when you talk to the "Fat Otter"

and let me quote a passage, just so we know exactly what I'm referring to...

There is an Island among the rot, a large, round Pile with monstrous protrusions like the arms of a Witch. There is chatter beneath the Pile and a fat brown otter with a flat, armored tail climbs atop and he stares at me.

Hey, Fat Otter.

He stares at me.

You want what I got?

He stares at me.

Um, James. You do realize that a FAT OTTER with an amoured tail, is what we Canadians warmly refer to as A BEAVER. right?



At 14/2/06 5:31 p.m., Blogger Sunny said...

Oh, god, I thought I'd replied to this one already. Apparently you had me laughing so hard that I passed out and forgot to actually tell you how much this amused me. For the record, it amused me "Greatly".


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