jealous again
Sunny, this pic is for you. My BOY is the dude on the left, he is currently operating under the name of D-unit. (aka Dawson) Boy on the right is A-ron, the son I had for 4 weeks whilst his family moved. (aka Aaron)
Mr Brown, the brownlettes and I went to my Aunt's 80th birthday celebrations last night, and encountered relatives I had not seen in YEARS. And within about 10 minutes it was obvious why I had avoided the majority of them for that long.
Enter cast of two female cousins. Meanie-heads the both of them. First encounter was with Jennifer, stylish and good-looking gal who was brutal to me in the teenage years because she had boobs and no zits and didn't wear glasses and when she came to stay with us for 2 weeks in the Summer all the boys wanted her.
"So where are your kids? Don't you have ...20 or something by now?" and the Brownthing just chuckled endearingly and said " oh gosh, no... I stopped at 3. The girls are over there, and the boy is at a baseball tournament in Kelowna".
Both cousins had to ask me, "So what do you do?" and although that may be a benign question, it rankled me. I'm a shit-ass-ho-mother-fucker!(SAHM) What the hell do you think I do? I wanted to answer, "Oh, don't get me started! what do i DO??? At least 3 loads of laundry per day, and I juggle schedules, which automatically includes 3 telephone calls, minimum, just to find out whose friends are going to be where when and at what time I have to pick them up, and I cook and clean and listen to rap music and download lyrics so I know what my kids listen to and what I should be telling them, to counter-act the nastiness that is mainstream culture, and I regulate reasonable play-station time, and encourage the girls' self-esteem and get them to use their imaginations and think for themselves, whilst trying to make sure they use their manners and don't listen to too much Jessica Simpson and start to identify with her, and make sure they don't play in traffic, and that they eat balanced meals, and, well...I do it ALL!"
Instead I gave the condensed version, which boils down to: " Well, I drive them around to do their stuff and I waitress 2 nights per week". HeH!
hahahahaha the encounter with the other cousin, there was no significant personal jab, she just showed her true colours when she began critiquing guests and I do mean criticizing..." So who's that guy over there with the deer- in-the-headlights-look...and that guy in the Florida shirt who looks like he shouldn't be here because he's pretty dark-skinned and we're all WASPY, who's he?" I laughed politely. I mean, she IS clever. we really need to rake EVERYONE across the coals? It's only fun for a few minutes. God help me if I live my life that way...
See, the thing is, I bet these meanie-head cousins do all the same shit that I do in day-to-day life. But they just don't give themselves credit for it. It's all about the career thing. HA!
In the end, I'll say kids are cuter than their kids. Hands down. And Mr Brown is hot. lollllllllllll
Were you going to post another entry anytime soon?
Anxiously yours,
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