11 August 2005

I'm a Baseball Fan

I didn't think it could happen, but I'm lovin' the baseball. The boys of Summer. All that.

Maybe I'm going to be like the 104 yr old lady the sportscasters said hello to on the Mariners broadcast the other night. (Except I'm starting at age 36). They said she never misses a Mariners game. Watches them all.

The D-unit was at his first major league baseball game last night in Seattle. oooooooo, I was so excited for him. It was 6:54pm, the game was going to be on TV, I had the VCR all primed to tape it for posterity.

AND THEN. the electricity went off.

I freaked.

I phoned the Hydro company. They said 30,000 people in the area were effected by the outage. I told the nice young man on the phone , "Well that certainly sucks! The ballgame is just starting, and I wanted to watch it. My son's there!" . lol. I'm so freakin' self-involved. But, what a nice guy, he actually sympathized. He said, "Oh, I'm sorry! But, power is only out on the North side, maybe someone on the South side would let you come watch it at their house". Excellent customer service, with that problem-solving suggestion. Bravo! The only snag was that littlest brownlette was already in bed. Couldn't exactly leave the little one alone, or wake her up and take her with me. Anyhow, he said the estimated time for power to come back on was 9pm.

It came back on at 8:30pm, which was a bonus. But the Mariners ended up crapping the proverbial bed in the end. The boy was still happy, though. He got a hat. And he said he was a pro photographer, got a shot of "Ichiro doing his crazy arm thing" on his disposable camera.

I ruvs my boy.


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