I haven't posted in awhile (not that anyone noticed...except maybe my beloved Walter). Then again, maybe even he is bored with me. Since I've shown no recent pictures of my cans. heh.
I've been living in the crazy land of home-improvement hell. Trying to get some things done around here, and also ensconcing my brain in the idea pit of what sort of renos could be done around here to make it slightly more than my house and closer to my "home". [okay wait a minute. ensconcing isn't the right word...but I can't think of what the right word is. Enveloping? no, those words conjure up a sort of comforting atmosphere, which is not at all what it has felt like, to be obsessed by the house. Or even to BE IN the house. More like...engorging...overwhelming my brain. Drowning and gasping for air and flailing is more like it.]
So anyhow, I think that has come to an end. We have pretty much decided it wouldn't make much practical sense to put money into renovating this house. We're going to sell. Living on the furthest edge of town (as far as I'm concerned) isn't really what works for our day-to-day existence. We're constantly driving, and frankly, with Uncle Yaris in the picture now (Mr Brown's new leased vehicle is the cutesie-fuel-efficient Toyota Yaris) driving isn't all that enjoyable for me. It's a snazzie go-cart, imo. I'm not big on go-carts. I passed that stage at about age 12.
sigh. I harken back to the days when I bombed around town in my uber-pretentious yet oh so comfortable and powerful Mercedes ML350. wow. that rocked. But, it ate so much fuel it was sickening. To the point of making me feel like a bad person. Even with my Kelly Ripa (albeit brunette) hairdo and sunglasses. tssssss...so hot it sizzles.
btw. I have caught on to Mr Brown's Kelly Ripa obsession in a way that I hadn't clued-into before. This is how it happened:
I realized that he kept referring to the show (Live with Regis and Kelly) as "Regis". Examples, "oh, 3 minutes 'til Regis". "Record Regis, I won't be back in time for the opening". "oh, so-and-so is going to be on Regis today". "Hey, how come you don't have Regis on?!"
What does this say to YOU?
to me, it says, he's so obsessed by Kelly that he has to try to hide it by failing to mention her.
man, I'm swift.
So now I figure, I'll just fantasize about Mark Consuelos, and that should improve our relationship substantially. Shouldn't it??
Regarding the photo...this is the scene most days, when Mr Brown leaves to drive the older 2 kids to school in the morning.