19 April 2006

mothering Mr Realtor

Mr Realtor (bossman) was crabby and stressed today. The one good thing about that was...he didn't take it out on me. He just got pissed off pretty much everytime he got a phonecall. And he swore alot. tee hee.

OH! I just remembered one of the funniest moments that took place today. Bossman had this memo he wanted me to compose and email to several people, including the office lady out front.(office lady...shudder) So he wrote some notes for me (in his illegible leftie scrawl) and I set to work on it. I gave it to him to proof a couple of times, and then he said he'd like it if the two parts were separated, such as, in two different boxes. (*insert yahoo smiley :-|)

Fine. So I dicked around with that for about 20 minutes (not really being very proficient in the latest version of WORD). I mean, I knew it could be done, it's just that everything I was trying wasn't really working the way I wanted it to.

So one of Mr Realtor's colleagues strolled into the office and they started shooting the proverbial shit. This was a BIG guy. In stature, girth, and personality. He was quite entertaining. And Mr Realtor being in a pissy mood was adding even more fun to the whole exchange.

I continued working at my desk at my little memo assignment, and finally, I threw my hands up and said "Does this really have to be in boxes??? Because it's just not working for me"

So colleague rolls his chair towards my computer and starts taking over. "What do you want? like this? like this?" clicking like a madman, and moving the text every which-way and I was cringing because he didn't really seem like he knew what he was doing much better than I did, and I didn't want him to lose the work I had done.

All the while, colleague and Mr Pissy kept up their witty reparte. And at one point, colleague dude ACTUALLY SAYS to my boss, albeit jokingly, but still...in the office environment???..."Oh, FUCK OFF, Phil!"

oh dear god. I nearly peed my pants. talk about LOL

Colleague dude ends up getting the boxes in place on my memo, and after he leaves, I prettied it up a bit and gave it to Bossman for the final proof. I hand it to him, and he says "Oh, great, 60 hrs later...."


So anyhow, back to what I was originally going to talk about. Which was mothering the Bossman. He was crabby and stressed. And by 1pm he hadn't eaten. Mr Brown was bringing me lunch, so I told Bossman, "listen, Steve's bringing me lunch. What do you want him to bring you? You need to eat"

"I'm tired. I got no sleep last night. I was up at 2am, and 3am and then 4am, and at 7am I came to the office, and I got absolutely nothing done. I've accomplished absolutely nothing"

so Brownie says, "Um...what does this have to do with eating?"

"I'm too tired to eat. I want to sleep. Or maybe I want a pint of Guinness"

"Well, of course you're tired. You got no sleep, and you haven't eaten. I don't see how not eating is supposed to help."

"I just want some chocolate. Some...fudge brownies or something. What does Steve have at the restaurant for dessert?"

So, I recited the dessert menu to him,seasoned serving professional that I am, and none of it suited him.

"Nevermind. Nothing. I want nothing"

"Do you want him to bring you a guinness?"

"No, if I have a guinness, I'll go out for it. And I'll never come back."


So I phoned Steve and said I was ready for my lunch, and that Bossman wanted dessert but didn't seem to want anything on the menu. Steve shows up with a piece of 4 layer chocolate cake. Guess what? Bossman LOVED IT. lmfao. "Wow, this is REALLY GOOD"


So then. Mr Brown and Bossman shoot the shit for at least a half hour, talking about hockey and kayaking and travelling, and selling our house, and whatever the fuck else. And finally, I just had to interrupt them..."um...thanks for lunch dear, but we have WORK TO DO"


It was an interesting day at the office.

PS mr brown rocks for lunch deliveries. ROCKS, I tell you. The restaurant is about a 1.5 minute walk from the realty office. w00t w00t! I am truly blessed. heh.

17 April 2006

Whitey has a lot to learn...

My sister, "Whitey", has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the fact that her golden boy, the BOY, d-unit, is an ornery teen now. And, he's not just an ordinary ornery teen, because several of his ornery teen homies are cool with babies and younger siblings. The D-Unit just has...ISSUES. As he would say "I don't like little kids".

So he has shown little-to-no interest in Sister's lovely adorable baby, and she has decided this is a thorn in her side, and she will manipulate him into doing her bidding.

She and the Big T arrived on Thursday and are leaving this coming Thursday. She laid down the law to the D-unit. "You have to hold the baby once while we're here, so I can take a picture for her baby book. You can decide when you'll do it, but it has to be done."

Long story short, tonight was the night. LOL. (and he didn't really choose tonight, we just told him he'd be better off to get it over with, seeing as we had the camera out and all...) The photo above is the resulting "photo-op".


12 April 2006

Dog Joke

I was just chuckling to myself over this joke my MIL kept repeating when she was here at Christmas. (She's slated for another visit in May)

One dog is talking to another dog, introducing himself. He says, "My name's 'No, Dammit!', what's your name?


Work with Realtor dude is going pretty well. I worked yesterday and it was a MUCH smoother day than the last one. Next week I do the full week.

The office ladies are being nice to me now. Although yesterday, one of them said to me "Stop smiling so much, there's nothing to be that happy about". lol.

06 April 2006

mandisa??!! are you SERIOUS??

Woah. I sure didn't see that coming. Mandisa eliminated from American Idol. I truly found that shocking.

Then I realized...we're dealing with the nation that voted Bush back in for a second term.

05 April 2006

weighing in

I haven't watched tonight's American Idol, in which they will tell us who will be eliminated (because I record it and watch it with Mr Brown once he gets home from work), but I've been reading the buzz. Google news and fanatic blogs and all that. And I have two things I really want to get off my chest.

First of all, "fuck the naysayers" re Kellie (Kelly?) Pickler. If she annoys you, and you think she's fake, you might want to take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror, or what-have-you, because I think she's a genuinely nice girl. She might not have star quality, she might not have the best voice, but pick on her for that, then. Don't pick on her because you think she's faking some country-bumpkin thing, because I just don't think that's the case. And there's nothing wrong with being a country bumpkin (if you're pretty. heh)

Second. I have disliked Bucky Covington since pretty much day 1. However. I thought he was AWESOME last night. Very cool "song choice" as the judges would say. He surprised me by not going ALL OUT COUNTRY when...well, you'd think country night would be his thing. Bucky, I liked it.

Ok. Whew. I've said my piece. I'll check in tomorrow, after I see the results.

03 April 2006

poor discombobulated brownie

So, I have issues.

This new job thing, well, I love it, but I'm realizing, for about the 14 billionth time in my life, that I tend to get obsessed by things.

Such as, when I'm into a TV show, I just want to watch it all the time. And when I'm waiting for the next episode to air, I can hardly contain myself. Or when I'm working on my house, I live, breathe, sleep, etc. "the house". Or when I'm in the chat mood, I just want to chat every possible moment.

So this transfers to the job thus: I wish I could be there more than one week per month. Because when I'm not there I think about stuff that should be done, I wonder what happened while I wasn't there, and even when I'm there, I want to try to learn things, and get frustrated because there's either no one there to help me or whoever is around doesn't have answers to my questions.

The last day I worked, which was last Thursday, was a nightmare. I was so brutally busy. The goddamn phone wouldn't stop ringing, Word went on the fritz and I was supposed to be writing letters, and...AND...get this.

I had been at work for about an hour, so it was approx. 9:30am. Mr Realtor was out for coffee. I got a phonecall on my cell. "Hello, this is the Vice Principal at South Kamloops Secondary. I have Dawson here in my office and I wanted to call and inform you that he was caught skipping class yesterday. This is his second infraction. He skipped English last week because he hadn't done his homework, and yesterday he skipped Math with several other boys."


I was livid. And embarrassed. So the VP tells me D-man will be on double detention for the next two days. I tell her I'm disappointed, and I will be sure to talk with him about it. 10 Minutes later, as soon, I suppose, as the VP let him out of her office, he calls me again on the cell. I say to him "Dude. You have to expect that I'm not impressed right now"


"you CAN'T skip school. It just can't happen"

"uh...yeah. It won't happen again"

and in the back of my mind I'm already stressing out about how Mr Brown is going to react to this news. Because I know, he will FLIP OUT.

Then, after pacing the office to get over this news, I get about 3 phonecalls that have questions I just can't answer. So I take messages. And then I get one more phonecall, I gave her an answer (she was asking if a property was still available) and I told her, "Well, I understand that there are two offers in on that house" and later Mr Realtor tells me that I'm not actually allowed to say that. How would I know????

Plus, fulltime gal gave me a list of things to do, and 3 of the 5 things, I couldn't get done. So then I felt bad. So I emailed her that night, explaining, and she never responded.

So I'm feeling like a bigtime goof.

As far as I know, I'm not working again until the 17th, so I guess I just leave things as they are and wait and see. Mr Realtor didn't seem unhappy with how the day went. He said, "It takes time to learn things. It'll come" He's pretty cool. I guess I should just go with that.

But GODDAMN D-man! I could strangle him!

I pick him up from his first detention, and ask him what happened, and he said he just had to take a garbage bag and walk around the schoolgrounds for an hour picking stuff up. He said " pretty lame detention". So I asked him "What do YOU think you should have to do on detention?" and he said " I dunno". Then the next day, it was raining really hard, so he didn't have to do detention, and so I asked him, "Well,when will you have to make it up then?" He replies "Oh, I dunno. Whenever I feel like it"

I thought THAT was pretty lame. So I told him that if I ever get another call from the Vice Principal, and he's going to have to get detention, I will tell her that I insist he gets a significant punishment, that she 'lays it down' on him, because I totally disagree with some pansy-assed detention for infractions and I think it doesn't teach him any lesson whatsoever if the detention is lame.

okay,I guess I'm done venting for now. Just think of me, and wish me peace of mind.

Ruvs you!