29 September 2005

I guess Burn-out must be "relative"

I had a conversation with someone, a few days ago, in which the person said they had been experiencing burn-out for months, and really needed a vacation.

I was in a pretty good frame of mind during the conversation, so I was able to be empathetic/sympathetic/understanding.

Apparently I am not in said state of mind currently.

Ok, what part of your life is contributing most to your "burn-out"? Let me clarify. I'm not saying we're not all entitled to a vacation now and then. However, after some time to think things over, I have a few questions.

Is trying to put in the least possible effort and still be considered to be doing your job causing you burnout? Is having the most amount of "dates" with the premium amount of people making you feel like you're stretched to your limit? (not to mention that attempting to ensure all other "dates" don't find out about each other and end up freaking out on you or coming to blows with the other "datees" has got to create a certain amount of stress). And going to bed at 5:30 am after a night of shinanigans and then having to be at work at the very latest by 1pm before people start to realize you aren't there, can't be real good for your energy level.

Have your vacation. Revel in it. But I'm not gonna be giving you much sympathy in the future.

because, baybee I NEED A VACATION.

28 September 2005

wow - that kid can catch!

Ahem. I'm not saying that my kid is pro football material or anything. I'm just saying. wow. He can sure catch a football. And take a frikkin' hit! At the game today, he got taken down so hard, I was asking him afterwaards "okay, what day is it? how old are you?"

Allow me some...leeway here.

As I said, I'm not nurturing fantasies of my child as a professional athlete, but I'm VERY impressed with how athletic he is. It seems so natural to him. He hasn't been taught this stuff. The boy was 4 when I married Mr Brown (not his biological father). Mr Brown has always worked in the restaurants, which = not much time at home. Which = not a lot of time, if any, throwing balls and talking about the game...whichever game that might be. The boy has done well in soccer, in baseball, and now in football.

He's small. But he's ripped. And he's fast.

And what I'm saying with the whole "mr brown hasn't tutored him thus" is, the boy is self-taught. And that really awes me. It's pretty exciting to see pure talent bloom.

Let's just hope he gets a really damn good job one day. The preferences he has mentioned so far are: pizza delivery or plumber.

aiy yi yiiiiii

you are my allan greenspan

Walter. You can calm me. You are my rock. Please. Never roll. Who cares about the moss?

27 September 2005

consumer confidence takes biggest drop in 15 years

As the dog lays sleeping, yet kicking her hind legs as if chasing a dream rabbit, I take a moment to turn to my blog.

Walter, its been days since we've connected. It feels like a lifetime.

So much doggie poop under the bridge, I guess.

On the up-side, Cocoa is starting to obey commands such as "come here" and "sit". Although, only when I have a piece of banana available as a reward. Did you know bananas are good healthy doggie treats? My doggie nutrition-advisor told me so.

Talk about a drop in consumer confidence. With the gas prices, and my 14 mpg Mercedes SUV guzzler, I'm sticking close to home.

Me and Cocoa would look suh-weeet in a Smart Car, wouldn't we? Picture it. And we could strap the three kids to the roof?

20 September 2005

part 2- How to annoy me

Respond quickly to my "outside time" command of "get busy" with a marvelous pee. Walk around, big ears flopping, funny butt end wobbling, get distracted by a bug, eat a few leaves. Ignore my "gotta poo?" question. But look real cute.

Immediately upon returning to the house, go into the living room and crap on the carpet, while turning in circles.

Dooce Tribute post

yes, I realize this is a ripoff of an all-time famous blogger. But it's actually a tribute. Not a ripoff. Because, well, I'm naming my sources.

"How to annoy me"

Pester me about getting a dog. A lab. Since you had one in childhood and have all these warm fuzzy memories. And play the trump card of mentioning it to the kids and telling them I say no. Then...after I finally cave in and agree, and we get the dog, continue to work 10-12 hours per day. And, take a business trip for four days after the puppy has only lived with us a week.


Dog pooped a yellow, pudding-like crapola on the rug during the morning breakfast-and-off-to-school rush. Middle brownlette forgot her thermos at school, which means I had to send a sandwich, which she hates, but tough luck, eh? Maybe that will make her remember to bring it home. Son forgot school bag at buddy's house Sunday. Buddy was supposed to bring it to school for him Monday. Buddy forgot. So, son tried to phone friend at home this morning to remind him, but Son's phone isn't working. Much poo in backyard that I have not had time to clean up. This makes me feel very white-trash. I know...I should be cleaning it up right now, but I'm blogging instead. Don't have a fucking clue what I'm making for dinner tonight. There's absolutely nothing palatable in the house. Ate at the restaurant last night. Hell, let's just eat there again tonight. I'm knackered. Mr Brown is away on business. Get this...he called last night, but couldn't talk long because his phone was going to die. Then it died while we were talking. Isn't that what guys who are having affairs out of town say? "Oh, if you can't reach me, don't worry, my phone died, I'll recharge it tomorrow. The charger is in my brother's car". SURE. SUUUURE.

If I had a new puppy and three kids and a psychotic wife, I'd probably have an affair too.

Hence, Walter.

19 September 2005

at last, a shoulder I can lean on

This picture is of me, in deep conversation with Walter Brinick.

This blog is now dedicated to Walter Brinick

All posts will be written as if addressed to Walter.

I believe I may have found my soulmate.

Walter, brace yourself.


oh Walter…you had me at “moixf”

And thus begins my affair with Walter Brinick...

17 September 2005


Okay, dude. Maybe you're a bot. I don't know what you are, I'm new to this. But you totally spammed my comments, offering me a "cool site" you thought I'd like

It's a DATING site.

not a "all kinds of tips for housebreaking your new puppy" or, "how to deal with construction noise" site, or " how to make your beautiful Brownlette a supermodel" site.

Wow. blog spammers SUCK!!!!!

11 September 2005

Cocoa Crisp

We have a puppy! I’m taking a quick moment of relative peace, since the kids are all in bed now, and the puppy is sleeping, to share the news.

She’s a chocolate lab, 8 weeks old, and she came to live with us this past Thursday. Her name is Cocoa. Cocoa Crisp. Cocoa, because she's a chocolate lab, and Crisp, because of the Cleveland Indians' center-fielder Coco Crisp.


Let me just go on record as saying, I was blind-sided. Out-voted by my family. And told myself, “Well, how hard could it really be? And it will make them so happy”. Okay, you can laugh at me now.

Wow. It’s a lot of work.

But, for the most part, it’s going alright. It’s like having a new baby. At times, it feels totally overwhelming, and I think “I’m not gonna be able to do this!!!”. The worst is when I have to prepare a meal, or get the kids ready to go somewhere, and still keep an eye on the little critter and make sure she gets taken for “OUTSIDE” as soon as she wakes up or after she’s eaten. If I lose track of her in the melee, there’ll be an accident to clean up, in all probability.

So, I’m pretty stressed.

But I think she’ll bring much joy to our home, and I certainly have gotten out walking, which I needed.

I hear her stirring. OUTSIDE time!