24 May 2006

LMAO...looking forward to going into the office??

Apparently my work schedule has changed. I worked the full week last week, but then Bossman told me things were going to change. Maybe I could start coming in Monday and Tuesday mornings, and full days Fridays? I told him that was fine with me.

But then, it turned out, they didn't want me to come in Monday and Tuesday this week.

So, yesterday, Tuesday, I e-mailed and asked if I was supposed to come in on Friday.

No Reply.

So today, Wednesday, 2pm, I phoned. Fulltime gal answered and said, "Um, yes...well...that's still undecided."

Even though I was getting a little pissy,because...well.. I LIKE TO PLAN MY LIFE!!!! I told her "ok, no worries, just get back to me"

This is the e-mail I got tonight. LOL:

Hi Brownie

Yes, you can show up at the office on Friday to assist with whatever disaster is unscheduled for that day. Thanks.


This should be good.

Mowing the lawn

Since The Boy's baseball practice was cancelled tonight, I asked him to mow the front lawn, which he did with no argument. But with plenty of play-by-play comments.

He certainly knows how to make it interesting for himself. He came in halfway through, (even though it's a miniscule piece of lawn) and told me there were some pretty angry bees out there. But according to him, the bees were in FEAR of him, because he had mowed over "their nest thing they were doing in the long grass". " I OWNED those bees" (stander-by Ms J's eyes become wide with Shock and Awe at The Boy's Bravery Amidst Bees) (and, um, isn't this the boy who used to be so freaked out by bees??? I guess he was 9 then...) ok....so he has a drink, and goes back out.

He finishes, and comes back in. "There are some weeds out there, they just don't want to die. They just won't give in. I mowed 'em and mowed 'em, but those are some angry, long weeds."

I shake my head. And laugh.

Thank the lord for our kids, eh? otherwise, there wouldn't be much to chuckle or smile about these days...Not unless you got really creative in your Pollyanna-ish-ness.


20 May 2006

Barbaro/my Grandmother

Oh, man. I could NOT BELIEVE what happened at the Preakness today. I was pretty pumped for Barbaro. Thought this might be the triple crown winner.


My grandmother used to have this weird saying (one of many of her weird sayings...she was Pa's mom, and now I can see more clearly that he comes by some of his kookiness honestly) she'd spout whenever we went off to do something that might be marginally risky: "Don't break a leg, or we'll have to shoot you!"

Barbaro broke his leg. In 3 places. And dislocated his ankle.

It was sickening to watch, really.

But I appreciated it making me think of my Grandma, and her crazy sayings, and how great she was to me. I hope I'll get to be a Grandmother some day and be as special to my grandkids as she was to me.

14 May 2006

Long shot

Ok, I realize this is a long shot. But I'm just wondering if any of my 2-3 readers might be able to help me out on this, or know someone who could help me.

It relates to baseball scorekeeping. i.e. Filling in the scorecard.

I started learning to do this last season, with the help of some online tutorials. There are many different ways of filling in a scorecard, but I found one way I was comfortable with, and basically understood, and went with that.

This was just for my own enjoyment...an oddball little challenge for myself, to make things more fun. And to keep my mind from wandering.

Well, this season, I've been asked by The Boy's coach a couple of times to be the official scorekeeper at their games, because the person who usually does it wasn't there. My way of doing it is a little more involved than the approach they usually take, but he's alright with it. He's just glad to have someone doing it.

See, I count all pitches, which usually isn't done (mark them down as pitch 1 strike, pitch 2 foul, pitch 3 strike....etc.) and I score the runs as a dot in the centre, when the more common way is to just colour in the diamond to show a run scored.

Anyhow......in D-man's last game, there was this one play that I didn't know how to notate. The batter hit the ball straight at the pitcher, and the pitcher ran over to first and touched the bag for the out.

I had no idea what to write down.

I asked the coach after the game and he was stymied, too. It doesn't happen very often. It's a weird play.

I tried to join a scorekeeping forum online and they have yet to send me my password so I can post a question. It's been 4 days. grrrrrrrr.

This is not critically important, just one of those things in the back of your mind that gets on your nerves.

New Winner for the "Neighbourhood's most annoying Dog" honours

Most annoying neighbourhood dog honours now go from yappy next door to stupid mutt in the cul de sac behind us.


That dog barked for 2 hrs this morning, starting around 8am, took a break, and started again about 45 minutes later. The same "BARK BARK" pause "BARK BARK" pause "BARK BARK" pause, with, once in awhile, just to change it up a bit, 3 BARKS. (God bless variety).


Does the phrase "sleeping with the fishes" mean anything to you??

11 May 2006

Chris over Katharine. Oh reeeeeeeaally.

This very nearly takes the cake. Chris Daughtry gets voted off American Idol.

I shake my head.

Wednesday afternoon I took a little browse around the net to see who was expected to go home on Idol that night. I was very taken aback to finddialidol.com was saying it would be Chris and Katharine as the bottom 2, with Chris most likely to be leaving.


I didn't believe it.

I liked all four of the singers, although Kat was my least fave. I thought she hadn't been very impressive the last few performances, so I was choosing her to go home. I mean, that was my personal choice. I didn't figure she'd end up in the bottom. Mr Brown, btw, adores Katharine. ugh! & eye-roll.

I was pretty pissed off about the results of last night's show. It really irked me.

So I spent some time this morning prowling the net and came up with some pretty funny stuff. It helped me move past this. I think I can let it go. But I'm still not impressed. This blog entry and particularly the comment after it, made me chuckle.

There were several other notables. I may add them later.

Have a good day.